Who we are
This is where you can find information about who we are at the First Baptist Church of Plymouth in Massachusetts; our polity, our affiliations, and what it means to be an American Baptist.
Statement of Purpose
First Baptist Church of Plymouth is a community inclusive of all people who seek, through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, to grow in relationship with God, proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, discover God’s will for their lives and reach out to the world to share God’s love with joy. We are committed to worship, teaching, learning and listening and through these to become disciples of Christ who support one another in our journey of faith.
We are an American Baptist Church
As a Christian church in the Baptist tradition, we affirm the following:
- Freedom of conscience
- Priesthood of all believers
- Autonomy of the local church
- Separation of Church and State
- Believer’s Baptism
Our church is affiliated with the following organizations:
- American Baptist Churches – USA
- The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts
- Old Colony Baptist Association
- Plymouth Area Interfaith Clergy Association