Worship and Concert at First Baptist Church of Plymouth MA

“Now set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God.”
1 Chronicles 22:19

We gather for worship every Sunday at 10:30 AM. This is a time of celebration and praise, of reflection and prayer, of fellowship and communion. Review our webpages to see more specific information about Sunday School for all ages, our Music, and our worship.

You are always welcome to join us!

“I choose to prepare for worship today so that I may gather with fellow believers to bring honor to God. My motive focuses on obedience so that I may come before him in the public assembly with the community of believers to honor him in sacrament, praise, Scripture reading and prayer.

So it is with thanksgiving that I choose to worship today.

It is with determination that I choose to prepare my heart and mind to bring glory to God.

It is with holy fear, coupled with the bold wonder of a child, that I enter into his throneroom of grace.

With such a posture, my heart can be prepared, purified and focused on what really matters.

Selfishness has no place. All that matters is bringing honor to God and encouraging others in their faith. It is a good day to worship in the fellowship of the saints.

So come, let’s worship the Lord God together.”

– Glen Allen Woods